Hillsborough's Hauntings

Hillsborough is a very old town and its inhabitants date back thousands of years. The Occaneechi settled on lands surrounding the Eno River in the 17th century, but by the 1730s they were displaced by European settlers. Hillsborough has seen brutal conflicts like the Revolutionary War and the Civil War come to its streets. Due to Hillsborough’s history, it is not surprising that stories and legends of spirits, ghosts, and haints have been around for many years. Is Hillsborough haunted? Take our tour and decide for yourself! All we know is that if you are driving late at night, lock your doors before the ghost of a monkey can get in your back seat… and remember, there is a reason why the ceilings of porches in town have been painted haint blue!

Hillsborough's Hauntings Walking Tour Map